Introduced in mid 1900’s laser dentistry is a precise and an innovative way to execute many dental procedures with minimal pain and recovery time.
LASER stands for Light Amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
This device generates light energy in a slender and concentrated beam which produces a reaction in the tissue and helps to remove it or reshape it. It performs by discharging energy in the form of light and cuts or vaporizes tissue that comes in contact with it.
There are two main varieties depending upon the wavelength required as different tissues absorb contrasting wavelengths of light
1. Hard Tissue Laser
2. Soft Tissue Laser
1. Hard Tissue Laser
Used fundamentally for Teeth and Bone, it has a wavelength that can be absorbed by Hydroxyapatite crystals found in Tooth and Bone.
Used for:
• Disclosing cavities
• Scale down tooth sensitivity by sealing of Dentinal tubules
• To prepare Teeth for fillings
2. Soft tissue lasers
These lasers use a wavelength that can be absorbed easily by Haemoglobin and water.Commonly used soft tissue laser is a DIODE Laser which infiltrates into soft tissues plugging blood vessels and nerve endings resulting in minimal post-operative pain and bleeding.
Used for:
• Crown lengthening
• To treat Gummy smile
• Frenectomy
• To treat benign tumours
Other applications
• To treat Root canal infections
• Gum Disease and Gum reshaping
• Wisdom tooth exposures.
• Regenerate damaged nerves
• Teeth whitening by acting as a source of light and magnifying the effect of bleaching agents on the tooth.
• TMJ related problems by reducing the inflammation.
Benefits of lasers
• Certain procedures do not require anaesthesia
• Soft tissue treatments do not require suturing
• Minimises bleeding
• Reduces anxiety
• Faster healing of wounds
• Neighbouring tissue damage is minimised
• Reduces bacterial infections because of the energy produced by high beam.
• Cannot be used on the teeth that are already filled
• Hard tissue lasers can sometimes damage the pulp tissue
• Some treatments require anaesthesia
• Limited to only few treatments
Dental lasers are nowwell established devices proven to be beneficial in treating a wide range of conditions and also a therapeutic implement in tissue management.